Sunday, November 23, 2008

Understudy Sunday

Sometimes you feel like a... sometimes you don't. That basically sums up my talent today for my photo exploration. Ryan had an idea that we should have a little photo contest. We picked the location out of a hat (Draper Park), created judging guidelines and headed out. I had the equivalent of writers block, but with my camera. I gave it the old college try, but Ryan nailed it. I wasn't quite feeling it ... so I laid down with doggie for a while and said cheeeeeese instead!
Here's two of my own...
And Ryan's top 3

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Scenic Saturday

Although you might not have guessed it by some of my previous posts... but winter still seems to be a ways out. In fact, they were calling for 50+ today in the valley, so I headed up to Park City, spent some time exploring and tried to get in some quality shots. I forgot how much I enjoy shooting. I'm hoping to get out tomorrow and explore some more. Here's what I have for now...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

First Tracks of the Year

Since the conditions looked so good the day before, we decided to have our first ski adventure of the year today. Ryan, Heather and I hiked in at Alta and had a great run. But five little words do come to mind... I'm WAY out of shape! Fresh snow was falling, and the temperature was perfect. We even got some turns in fresh powder. Fun was had by all and I can't wait for the next ski adventure!
I LOVE Utah!
Ryan and I slopeside
Heather and I on the trek up.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

And so starts the snow....

Ryan and I went up to Alta today (20 minutes from our house) to see if any real snow had accumulated. Much to our surprise, not only was there real snow, but there was REAL Skiers! Snowbird was open to the public, and Alta would be opening this week. We're going to head up there on Sunday to get our first tracks of the year!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Bed Aerobatics

Get your head out of the gutters people! Ryan tried to cheer me up after a bad day at work by suggesting we try and do some flips on to the bed. Yes we can amuse ourselves this easily....