Day 2 was just a little more jam packed, complete with a speed boat rental and a set of water skis. We spent the morning making our way the 50+ miles out to Rainbow Bridge, the worlds largest natural bridge; almost as tall as our capital building and spanning nearly a football field in length.
One really monumental part of this trip was also our beloved J-dog. Jackson, always the boat chaser, never the boat rider, really made the best of the situation. Turns out, he actually came to relax a bit on the boat... Ok maybe a lot.

This trip was so much more than just a trip with great friends and filled with great memories... It was the first of many, many, MANY more Adventures in Utah. A few blogs ago, I exposed a new motto in life... To make each day count, with the one you love. I truly hope to always do that, especially when it comes to making the most of the undeniably gorgeous place in which we have come to call home.