Two months since my last update, and with lots to report, it's hard to know where to start, but the beginning sounds good. Last blog, I was waiting for news on the St. George marathon lottery. I got picked! I will run my first, full marathon on October 3rd, in beautiful St. George Utah. To make the deal even sweeter, Leah, one of my very best friends, is traveling the 2,127 miles from New Jersey to Utah, so that we can run it side-by-side! We will share the experience of crossing that finish line some 26.2 miles later, together. Go team Dizzy and Slugger!
Running the Salt Lake 1/2 marathon in April
Shortly after finding out about the marathon, we also got word that an offer Ryan and I had made on a house, had been accepted. Before we knew it, we were elbow deep in all the worries and woes of buying a house. On May 30th, some 10-15 inspections, notaries, letters, and delays later, we closed on our very first, and may I say, ridiculously adorable house. It's a perfect first home, complete with 1/3 acre of plush, landscaped yard for Jackson, three bedrooms, two family rooms and charm that makes you feel at home almost instantaneously.
Pictures of our house, moving in, and getting settled.
Once we were moved in, the mad dash to unpack and get settled was on. Both sets of parents were planning to come out shortly after getting moved in and so we decided it would be a great time to have a housewarming party. But when our closing got pushed back 2 weeks, it only left us with about 10 days to get the house in 'housewarming' status. With some seriously long days, lots of running around and lots of help, we were able to pull it off. I'd even go as far as to say we had a lot of fun while we were at it. :)
Pictures from our Housewarming BBQ

Finally, as it turns out, the mad dash to keep our original date for the housewarming party was part of a larger scheme Ryan had in the works. On Saturday morning, before our guests arrived, Ryan asked me to marry him. He had remembered a long time ago, when I once very casually mentioned that I would love to have friends and family around at the time of the engagement, to share in the celebration. Go figure, guys do remember things :) After almost 5 years, I am still gitty at the thought of spending the rest of my life, with my best friend.
So in our case, it is true.... no news REALLY is good news!
Ryan and I, shortly after saying "yes" at our BBQ.